If you have an app like DWMBlurGlass on your PC and you use Firefox, you might want to get back the Aero titlebar.
You'll need:
Resource Hacker
Firefox (pretty obvious)
An Aero Glass-enabling program (like DWMBlurGlass)
Download and install Resource Hacker from https://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/.
In the directory you installed Firefox, create a copy of the Firefox executable in case you mess something up.
Open Resource Hacker and drag n' drop firefox.exe from the Firefox install directory.
Go to Manifest, and delete all "supported IDs" except for <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}"/>.
Press the Compile button and save the modified executable to a user directory, preferably Desktop.
Drag and drop the modified executable into the Firefox directory and overwrite the original executable when asked.
You should now have Aero titlebar in Firefox. If you get an error when running the executable, you didn't do step 4 correctly.
Firefox will think the OS you're using is Windows 8.0.
Without an Aero Glass-enabling program, the titlebar will look weird.
Each time Firefox updates, it will revert these changes as it replaces the main Firefox executable.
This is what it will look like if you did it correctly and have an Aero Glass-enabling program like DWMBlurGlass:

Does this work with Aero Glass8?